Welcome to My 400 Bees

carbon| policy |1.5 C02

methane| scope 3| water|extinction|H20

emerging economies| developed

IPCC|trade|17 SDGs| energy

Broadband |rain forest

transportation | fires

anthropogenic | floods |pandemic


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Our true commitment to a greener world

Truth be told, the vast majority of Americans have only a “passing fascination” with going green or combatting climate change.

Oh, sure, we talk a good game based on the latest water-cooler fodder from the nightly newscast, but if you want to get seriously in-depth on conservation or climate change, the average American feels like they have better things to do. So the question is: Why should you care?

Beyond the obvious benefits it has for the planet as a whole, learning about sustainability and changing the way you work around it can be hugely helpful for your company.

Charlotte King

Master of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Management from Georgia Institute of Technology; rigorous academic experience and leadership roles in various sectors, verifiable professional success as practitioner and leader; ability to leverage marketing communications as strategic advisory for C-Suite decisions. Experiential skills in quantitative and qualitative analysis - supply chain, public policy, operationalizing competitive global insights across NA, EU and China.


Environmental Masters combined with 25+ years experience and marketing communications to be a Senior manager responsible for delivering strategic sustainability metrics, operationalizing best practices for carbon and supply chain management. Innovating frameworks toward zero emissions, disclosures, and increasing reputational ESG/CSR. Developing enterprise-wide environmental framework and ROI.


Senior Manager with Environmental Masters combined with 25+ years experience and marketing communications to be responsible for delivering strategic sustainability metrics, operationalizing best practices for carbon and supply chain management. Innovating frameworks toward zero emissions, disclosures, and increasing reputational ESG/CSR. Developing enterprise-wide environmental framework and ROI; operationalizing competitive global quantitative/qualitative insights across NA, EU and China.

More info!

5 easy ways to increase your awareness

If you are ready to hit the ground running with some green awareness initiatives that you can acton right away, here are some great suggestions.

  • Volunteer

    Find local areas that need environmental help, like trash pickup services. Volunteering for tasks like this will show you the state of sustainability in your area.

  • Join a Green Organization

    Whether it is a website or a local group, green organizations are a great way to connect with like-minded individuals and work towards a common goal.

  • Take a Course

    Local schools and universities are teaching more about the environment than ever before. Take advantage of these opportunities to grow.

  • Read

    There are new books and studies about sustainability and climate change every day!

  • Measure Your Carbon Footprint

    The best way to improve is by learning where your starting point is. Get a read on your carbon footprint and then find ways to bring it down.

Contact us today to enlist our marketing team.

(770) 506-0065
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